Archive for Science Fair Projects

Displaying your Air Quality Science Project

The simple Air Quality Check Around the Neighborhood science project in the last blog post can be turned into an interesting science fair project with the right display. You only need to be very meticulous about the details that you observe and note them down.

The display board can be covered with the 12 square cards that you hung out in different locations. You can place them in groups of threes as per the location and below them add the magnified digital photo graphs that you took of each inner square.

In a table list the air particles that your individual squares caught in each location and add up the total number. You can also make a comparative listing of the total air particles in each location. Describe which site had the maximum pollutants and also consider if it was as expected.

Were the number of pollutants more or less the same in all locations or was there a drastic difference in one of them. Examine what this difference means in your conclusion. The conclusion can also be printed out and posted on the display board to illustrate the results of your science fair project. Identify the least and the most polluted locations in terms of air particles gathered in your neighborhood.


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Leisure Activities that are not Green!

With so many science experiments on how to get alternative sources of energy it is amazing how something as simple as conservation can take a back step. If you conserve what you have it will last you a longer time. Yet we go out of the way to act in a wasteful manner and its not just driving a petrol car to work that I’m talking about.

Think of all the leisure activities we do which waste non renewable energy. Yes racing cars form part of the activities which waste a good deal of fuel on a non productive task.Think about the liters of fuel which can be saved each year if we did away with racing cars. I have nothing against the  formula one people.

In fact I quite enjoy races. Specially when they are powered by the human being. Think of the 100 meter dash or the marathon, isn’t it a celebration of human spirit and speed? And they are definitely a far more eco-friendly way of entertainment.  Not that racing cars is going to go out of fashion soon.

Despite all the efforts to curb our excesses, there is always a new way being found to be careless with the natural resources that we share on this planet. Maybe the next generation can do a better job of managing the planet than we did. If their science fair projects are anything to go by, they just might.

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Science Fair Project Ideas

What sort of science fair project should you make? This is the main question that you need to answer before you begin work. Naturally the project for a high school student should not be in the realms of something that an elementary school student can produce.

It is necessary to pick a science project which goes a bit beyond what you have been taught in class. The extra effort and learning that you put into the science fair project gets counted in the judge’s decision. The award winning science fair projects are more likely to be original ideas than copies.

So think of new and original projects that you can do. A simple magnetic train on iron tracks would be more interesting than a baking soda volcano. If you can conceptualize something more interesting, such as a steam boat in a water tub all the better.

Why restrict yourself to things you can do by yourself. Get a team together and work on a more elaborate project. Each individual will bring their own expertise to the science project and make it all the more interesting.

Get help from your science teacher if you feel there are some aspects that you can not handle alone. Browse through these science fair project ideas to see what you can pick up for your project.

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Generating Ideas for Science Fair Projects

There are a million things that you can do for your science fair project. Unfortunately you can simply not do a million things for you science fair project. So how do you generate the right ideas for your project? Maybe this article can help.

To generate ideas the best thing to do is read a science magazine. There is so much information there that you can mold to your purpose. Think of what articles interest you and why they attract you. Minute you find the common underlying factor; you will have a head start on your project.

For instance if you like to read about machines that use artificial intelligence, you know that you will enjoy making a simple robot. Now all you need to do is decide what your budget is and then get designing the robot you will build.

Similarly if articles about flying and different kinds of flying machines interest you, you may want to build an aero model. There are many ways of designing aircrafts and you can get them to fly with a small engine fitted in them.

Just pick what you enjoy reading about and you will be interested in building it. Try more ideas for science fair projects here.

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Using a Science Fair Project Kit

Why does it make sense to use a science fair project kit? In most cases parents do not have either the time or the expertise to help high school kids with their science fair projects. So the only guidance that is coming in is from the science teacher at school. However no teacher has the time to ensure individual attention to all the students in the class.

So what does the student do then? He will research what he can in the school library and then get on to the internet.The data available is a great deal, but to be able to assimilate and use it, he will need help. Some times too much information can result in no action being taken. The student is literally drowning in information overload.

So what’s the solution to this problem? A Science Fair Project Kit. These kits are designed to help the student make a specific science fair project. It includes all the material that may be required to assemble the project, the instructions to make the project and the explanation of why and how it works. Ideal for a student looking for a quick project.

There is no need to think of the details which have all been worked out for you. All you do is choose what project you want to do. Then buy the science fair project kit and just build it. As easy as that. May be that’s why our science kits are so popular. Check them out if you are stuck for ideas.

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Alternate Energy Source powered Science project

Considering that the fossil fuels are running low there will be a number of science projects researching other alternatives. Some alternative energy sources being considered are wind energy and solar energy. Both of which are clean fuel options as compared to fossil fuels which pollute the environment as they produce energy.

So what can you do with these alternate energy sources in your science fair project? There are many ideas that you can use. How about building a turbine windmill to produce electric power? Or may be you can try making a hydrogen  fuel cell that can operate a toy car.

There is a whole lot of things to do once you have established a small power source using alternative energy sources. You can even use a cycle as a power source for a grinding machine. The electric circuits you build can be used to power lights as well.

There is nothing nicer than flashing light bulbs to prove that your science fair project is a star! They are a sure shot attention grabber. You can add an extra dimension to the project by including a small useful function in the electric circuit along with the flashing light bulbs.

Use this idea here to get an unusual science project kick started.  Or work on a fresh one for yourself. There is no limit to the project that you can make.

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Working Models for your Science Fair Projects

One of the most exciting things about science fairs is the multitude of working models that you get to see at them. The thrill of seeing something that you made actually do what you wanted it to do can give you quite a high. Putting science into actual practice is what the whole deal about science fairs is.

So why not start early this year and pick up a proper working model for your science fair project. It can be something as simple as a conductivity test for metals and non metals. Or something as complicated as a remote controlled robot. There is no limit to what your mind can imagine as your science project.

So sit down and think of a list of things that can be made into working models. It can be a robotic arm which can pick and stack blocks. Or a car which you can control with a remote. Or even something as complicated as a robot that can climb stairs.

On paper there is no limit to what you may make. Try making a submarine! The only limiting factor will be the time and resources that you have at hand. While some projects are easier to make and will hardly take any time, if you are starting a more complicated project, make sure you do it as fast as possible.

It is always good to finish off the project a couple of days in advance so that you can see if any modifications are needed. It will also give you time to work on the project report, the display board and your presentation script. All of which are important components.

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On the day of the science fair

Your science fair project is ready, your report is done and the day of the science fair is here. Does that mean its all over? No, far from it. Today is the day that you have been preparing for from the day you began work on your science project. What you do today is of paramount importance.

You are going to be on display just as much as your science project is so dress to impress. Don’t go over the top, it is not a fashion show, but make sure that you dress well. The first impression on the judges is made by a combination of what you and your project look like.

The next impression will be made when they see you formally present your project to them. How you deal with their questions will be important as well. You need to come across as a person who knows what the project is all about, not some one still unsure about what the model can or can not do.

Make sure that you bring extra paper, scissors and glue so that any last minute tears and hassles can be covered up. Also stay next to your project and make sure that not too many curious hands touch it till the judges have been to see your science project.

Above all have fun.  You can even bring a book along to spend the time gainfully till the judges get around to your turn. Here’s a peek into what the judges are looking for. Maybe you can take a print out of this and help calm your nerves.

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Study an Allergy as a Science Project

Have you ever sneezed when something flew into your nose? That is an uncontrolled reflex action of your body. Think you can make a science project out of it? Why not. Although you may need to go in for something more specific than a sneeze. People suffer from all kinds of allergies.

Some people are allergic to things in their immediate environment like dust or mite. Others may be allergic to a few types of food. Pets like cats and dogs are also known to cause allergies to some owners. There are even people who are allergic to harsh sunlight. So pick one which interests you.

Now that you have honed in on one allergy that fascinates you enough to make a detailed study, ask a few questions. What is the allergy called in medical terms? What causes the allergy? How does the allergic reaction manifest itself in a human being? What is the mode of treatment?

Think up of all the questions that you can. Now that you have a long list of queries, get down to answering them. Whatever answers you find can be used to make a report. Any statistics that are available can be used as a display board fixture. Find out if any person is a victim of the allergy around you.

Get a case study done with their allergic history. Find out how some conditions can aggravate the symptoms and others suppress them. Record how often they get allergic attacks and how they deal with them. Here’s some help you can get when trying to get the display board right.

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Want to win at the Science Fair? Get that time line right!

One of the things that sets back a student from winning at the science fair is the lack of a good time line for his science project. So what is this time line? It is like a schedule for all the tasks that you need to do to make sure that your project is ready on time and in the best possible condition.

Where can you get this time line tool? You don’t get it anywhere, you need to sit down and make it. Once you know the date of the science fair you need to work backwards. Make a list of all the tasks that you can break down the science project into.Think about it there are many things you need to do.

Things like buying the material,  fixing the model, writing the report, doing up the display board, and just about any activity that is related to the project. List all the tasks on a sheet of paper and decide how long each task will take you to do. Now fix a time line for the sequence of events as you will perform them.

This allows you to know just how long your project will actually take you to do. Make sure that you keep a week extra handy in the time line as some things may take longer to do than others. As far as possible try and stick to the time line and get all the work done as soon as possible. That way your science fair project will be as near perfect as possible.

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