Conducting a Scientific Investigation (continued)
In the last post we decided to conduct an investigation using a specific objective. Then we gathered all the equipment and material that we would need to conduct this scientific investigation and now we do the actual recording of relevant data. This will help us measure the different variables that make up a part of our objective under study.
Remember it is this raw data that will give you a possible way to negate or prove that objective under consideration. So take all possible care to record this data as accurately as possible. Once the data has been collected you will need to write a report expounding just what you did and what you were able to prove.
The report must be as close to the process that you actually followed. Do not think of fabricating any part of the report as an experienced teacher will be able to catch you out instantly. Try be as honest to the actual experiment that you conducted in the report.
The Science Fair project is now ready for display. Take the highlights of your study and make a nice three fold display out of it. Make sure that you cover all stages of the scientific investigation in detail on the display board as not everyone is going to have the time to read your report on the project.