World’s First Commercial Carbon Removal Plant
The carbon footprint being reduced is a major concern for most companies that are involved in product manufacturing. However, there is one business concern, that has come up with a great way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and make it a commercially viable project.
In Switzerland we have Climeworks AG facility, that has a giant air filteration plant which is literally sucking in carbon dioxide from the air. This is rerouted to a greenhouse next door, which helps in creating healthy crops. The plant is able to take in 900 metric tons of carbon per year and convert it into a valuable resource instead of being the cause of global warming.
Christoph Gebald, co-founder and managing director of Climeworks says that highly scalable negative emission technologies are crucial if we are to stay below the 2-degree target [for global temperature rise] of the international community. The pioneering business, is showing others the way to make a real difference.
The best part is that the carbon dioxide that is captured can be easily used in a number of other industries besides greenhouse gases to boost vegetable growth. The first obvious use is for making carbonated beverages. Now that’s a science project that has reached a valuable conclusion.