Glaciers Melting Leading to Volcanic Activity

Global warming has been happening for a while now resulting in the melting of the polar ice cap on the planet. As the huge ice glaciers melt they Earth is heating up and this may be the cause of increased volcanic activity as per scientific research being conducted in the field.

The reason for this is plate tectonics. As the glaciers melt they make the sea level rise and the weight of this affects the oceanic tectonic plates. The stress on the continents decreases and the earth’s crust cracks as the weight shifts around. These form new locations for the magma at the core of the Earth to escape to the surface.

Researchers from the Geomar-Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel in Germany have been collaborating with others in Boston, USA on a study of this phenomenon. They have demonstrated that warm periods on the planet have always been followed by increased volcanic activity.

As per them we are living at the end of a warm period which was additionally impacted by human created global warming. So be ready to face the increased volcanic activity as it hits the earth next. Perhaps it would be well worth creating a science project to see how humans can survive the next round of volcanic activity relatively unharmed.

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