Nano Robot That Plays Doctor Inside Your Body

In one of Issac Asimov’s short stories there is a tale of a robot that is shrunk to a small size and made to enter the human body. The robot then proceeds to conduct a surgery from the inside of the patient and is eventually expelled into space from the nose, exiting the human body. It made for excellent reading, but today it may just be all coming true.

So far any nanodevice launched in to the blood stream would be not allowed to survive long enough to do anything inside the body. At the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard scientists have created the first cloaked DNA nanodevice that can survive the body’s immune defense system.

This now opens up the doorway to producing smart DNA nanorobots that can play doctor inside your body.These smart creatures will be able to identify cancerous growth and manufacture medicine to cure it. They could examine what the human being eats and drinks and identify any toxins present, then isolate them to dispose off later.

They could find and cripple pathogens instantly and do a lot more. The surgery conducting robot may not be available next year, but with more science projects based on DNA nanodevices it may just be a reality in the not too distant future.




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