Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System

Cancer drug research has seen another major breakthrough with shape shifting nano particles that will deliver drugs  directly to cancer cells in the body. Controlled drug delivery systems have a major advantage over traditional medicine. This process is likely to help reduce the abysmal side effects of cancer drugs such as loss of hair and skin damage by targeting only the specific cells in the body. Naturally this is much better for the patients.

Elena Batrakova, associate professor in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy of the University of North Carolina was associated with a study where 50 % less medicine was required when using the nano particle drug delivery system to successfully combat cancer cells in mice. This means that less quantities of drugs will be needed and patients will still be able to overcome cancer.

This is important because eventually the doses of medication will be reduced even further as the researchers target the malignant cells alone. Plus the intrusive chemotherapy sessions which cancer patients undergo will become less prone to multiple side effects and still be considered effective treatment.  Needless to say the practical applications of this science project in the real world of human medicine will be tremendously useful.


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