Flying Wood
Have you ever wondered at the big science project that an aircraft is? Imagine taking some stuff that is all heavier than air and then making it actually fly in the sky. It is indeed a miracle of sorts.
When a tribal from an undeveloped region sees these flying machines, it can be scary to say the least. We may find the reactions comical, but we do understand their fear as well. So how does one go about taking a whole lot of unrelated things and making them fly?
You don’t have to be an aeronautical engineer to design your own flying machine. All you need is the right set of raw material and some know how to get started. Think of this as a learning challenge as you get a piece of wood to fly.
You can get more details for your aerodynamics experiment in this article. I have a feeling that you will enjoy making your own little glider with some balsa wood. Once you get the basics you can move onto something more complicated.