Do girls need less calories per day?

We eat food to provide us energy. Out of the total number of calories that we consume 10 percent is used to maintain the body temperature, 20 percent is used by the physical exertions that you under take during the day and 70 percent is used up by the basic cellular processes that support our life including regulation of the osmotic balance of each individual cell that makes up the body.

There is considerable angst amongst teenagers with respect to their looks and weight. Diets are a popular way to control weight gain and some of them can be quite absurd. However a new scientific study says that girls may actually need less calories per day as compared to boys.

The reason for this is that boys tend to be taller, heavier and have larger internal organs and muscles as compared to girls. As per the study another reason may be the fact that girls naturally have a slightly higher proportion of body fat and need less energy to sustain it. The conclusion of the science research study was that girls need 500 less calories per day as compared to boys.

Maybe that is why the natural urge for girls to lose weight translates into dieting and for boys into increasing their physical activities in terms of exercises and sports. Guess there is a difference between boys and girls on a more basic cellular level after all.

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