A computer that interprets emotions?

When you think of a computer you think of software and logical steps. You think of programmed tasks and rather mechanical behavior. What you do not think of is emotions. However there’s a group of researcher in Malaysia who are determined to make you think again. Here is what they have done.

The team of researchers at the Manipal International University of  Selangor have developed a computer which they claim can decode human emotions by reading lip patterns.  Led by Karthigayan Muthukaruppan the reseachers have come up with a system that uses a genetic algorithm that helps the computer identify the various emotions that a person may be expressing.

The algorithm improves with each iteration to match irregular ellipse fitting equations to the shape of the human mouth displaying various emotions. Essentially the more the person uses the system the better it becomes at reading their emotions.

This latest science project could change the way that people interact with computers. It would also provide a great opportunity for disabled people to use voice synthesizers with more ease and efficacy. Computer based communication devices will also see a total revolution if the system can be used in mass manufacturing processes. That is still some time away, but the computers that understand emotions are here.

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