Non Allergic Milk?

If you are lactose intolerant and wonder if you would ever get to taste cow’s milk, the work that scientists are doing at the University of Waikato in New Zealand would be of interest to you. In their rather unique science project the researchers have genetically modified a cow that produces milk which lacks beta-lactoglobulin.

This is a protein which is found in cow’s milk but not in milk produces from a woman’s breast. This is the reason why some people are allergic to milk from cows which contains beta-lactoglobulin. The absence of this whey protein makes the milk low in allergy properties.

The absence of this protein in the milk has occurred due to a DNA modification technique known as RNA interference. The resulting cow was born with no tail, but the researchers say that was not likely to be a side effect of the genetic modification.

The cow was then given hormone treatments to make it jump start the production of milk, as it was not pregnant and was producing milk of its own. So if you are lactose intolerant and still want to taste cow’s milk , this low allergy milk produced in this science experiment should be your first choice.


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