Making Rock Candy as a Crystal Experiment

Crystals are stones which have formed as layer over layer of the material they are made of cooled and added to the rock. There are all kinds of different colored crystal stones in the world. The most common one would be the pure white colored crystal stones that a number of people use in prayer beads across the world.

A large number of semi precious stones like agate, amethysts, and cat’s eye are also basically crystal rock formations. So how would you like to make your own edible crystal rock candy? Here’s what all you will need. A glass of water, about three glasses of sugar, a wooden satay stick or chopstick, a tall narrow glass of water or glass jar, and a helpful adult.

Get the adult to boil the water in a pan and then dissolve the sugar in the water. You will need patience to let all the sugar dissolve so its better to add a few spoons at a time. Once the water is super saturated with sugar keep it aside to cool a bit and then pour it into the tall narrow glass.

Next dip the wooden satay stick into the glass and keep turning it every four to five hours as it cools. You will find that the sugar syrup begins to cool off and form a rock candy in crystalline form on the wooden stick. An edible science project is the best kind.

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